Tutorial: Drag’n’Drop with Google Web Designer
Google Web Designer is a great tool, but there are some features, some might miss. One of the most important gestures not implemented natively yet is e. g. Drag'n'Drop. However, it's not too compli…
Google Web Designer is a great tool, but there are some features, some might miss. One of the most important gestures not implemented natively yet is e. g. Drag'n'Drop. However, it's not too compli…
It happens very often, that some actions are easier to implement directly as custom code than to click through the events panel, especially, when you need to add some code. As some of the functions…
Tags:easter eggfeaturegoogle web designer
From time to time I open minified GWD code from the custom components or crawl with the Chrome Developer Tools through the GWD objects, which exist during runtime, and find interesting function, which…
Tags:game developmentGWD APIjavascript
In this follow up tutorial I'll show how to add some GWD API to make our game more logic and fun. With our previous project there is no collision detection and that's why the game never ends. Also the…